Monday, June 11, 2007

From The Left Side of That Bed

The hour... young and tender,
The announcer... still resting his throat,
The day breaker... still deep in sleep,
The air... still yet refreshing...

That was the hour,

When I; myself...
- torn from that misted screen,
- melted from that frosted garment,
- revived is the pulse...

That was, indeed the hour,

From the left side,
My rigid senses imploded,
Alike the enigmatic morning sky - splashed in forbidden mixture; break loose...
The stream, fought against themselves,

The winner?

From the Left side - ARISE!
The route is heading Right...
The journey had begun...
Only now the Left side see.

Time has concluded,
Winding back... a tale, greatly spoken about,
Looking far into the Right side...
A journey is there to catch...

From the Left to the Right...

Coin flips?

The answer is...
"Just look far into the Right side from the Left with the awaken Truth."


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