Saturday, November 17, 2007

Loving you,
Tonight I cry as the melody play in the background,
Like a whisper…
It reminds me of you,
It makes me tear with a weighted solemn heart,
Knowing that I can’t be with you,
My naive heart never listen...
Thus, keep falling for you,
Inching deeper and deeper,
Almost to the bottom of this world,
Simply by falling in love with you,
So deep that it amazes even me,
This love, lonely and sorrowful,
Had always have a missing piece...

Voices out there calling for me,
To wake me from this fantasy,
Yet I am so in love in loving you,
I shut my ears to keep them from this world,
Continue my drifting from them,
Feeling closer to you...
My illusions,
The ones that comfort me in this heart breaking voyage,
Whom I find comfort in walking... deeper and deeper,
My fears subtracted from intuition...
For I know this is something I will never regret,
Though lonesome and sorrowful,
I find warmth in it.
So much that I long for it in each second that ticks.


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